Tips for Planning an Author Visit

Step 1.  Pick the date

Here are two GREAT ideas:

Darleen visits a school.Darleen recently visited Bishop Elementary School, Lawton, OK, where Rhonda Boyce, LMS, had a great idea. She told all her students that if they read any of Darleen's books, even the books which were under their AR level, she would still allow them to be tested and to receive points for taking the tests.  This encouraged the older students who would normally not have read the books. It was a great way to pick up easy AR points PLUS a great way to prepare them for Darleen's author visit. She said, "The kids loved the opportunity and the books flew off the shelf!"

Be sure to have your library copies of Darleen's books returned to the library so that she can autograph them. And don't wait until the day of Darleen's visit to ask for them, as many of the books will be in the students' homes.  Start asking a few days ahead of time and let the student/teacher know that the book will be returned to them afterward.

Step 2.  Preparation & Promotion

Step 3. Place Book OrderDarleen visits a school.

Step 4.  Make a Schedule

Please allow at least one hour for lunch.



Step 5.  Get the Location Ready

Please have these items in the room where Darleen will be speaking:

Darleen brings her own microphone/sound system and projector.

Please note: If you have skylights or large windows in the room make sure the room can be darkened enough for her powerpoint.

FOR OUT OF STATE--If she’s traveling out of state, please have a powerpoint projector and a sound system available so Darleen doesn’t have to bring hers on the plane. Also, please provide a computer/laptop and projector. Darleen will bring her memory stick for her PowerPoint slides show.

Step 6.  Autograph Sessions

Step 7. Lunch

Step 8.  Enjoy Your Day!