Darleen's Favorites
Would you like to know more about this Oklahoma author? Here are some of her favorites: Ice cream--German Chocolate Hobby--working in her flower garden, reading, stenciling, decorating, antiques, history Movie--It's a tie: "Grease" (I've seen this movie over 40 times) and "Tootsie" Food--Celery with peanut butter, steaks cooked very well done, spaghetti, and Chinese food Candy--Reeses Peanut Butter Cups and Almond Joys Sports--Ice skating Book--Little House on the Prairie series by Laura Ingalls Wilder I didn't read these delicious books until I was 23 or 24 years old. I still remember when Laura's dog, Jack, died. Oh my gosh! I cried my heart out. I was reading that part on my lunch hour and when I went back to work my office manager, Wilmetta Miller, saw my red face and thought something terrible had happened. Of course, it had, and I tried to tell her about Jack but I was still all choked up! This is the same sweet office manager who later gave me every Tuesday afternoon off so I could pursue my writing. She's also the one who told me about dropping peanuts in RCs and chasing flies with a towel, which I used in my chapter book, The Flimflam Man. Authors/Illustrators--Peg Kehret, Keven Henkes, Eve Bunting, Anna Myers, Dav Pilkey, Kim Doner, Jerry Pinkney, Cynthia Rylant, and many, many more. Genre--I love historical fiction. I also adore biographies of authors and illustrators. I especially enjoy reading about artists and famous historical women. Just the other day I read a picture book biography about Sojourner Truth and cried through the whole book. My son hates it when I cry while reading books. The one book that always makes me cry no matter how many times I read it is, The Velvetten Rabbit. My son won't let me read that to him anymore. I also balled my eyes out when I read, Sounder. When I asked my son if I could come to his class and read that book, he said, "No way! You'll have everybody cryin'." TV shows--It's a Miracle, Miracle Pets, and I Love Lucy. I really like the A&E and HGTV channels but I don't watch them very often because I don't have cable. When I travel, it's always a treat to watch cable in my hotel rooms.